• J-Lo was dropped by someone besides her dancer today – her label Sony let her go and her new album will not be released through the label. All this for falling on your ass on TV? No, it’s because no one cares anymore. SNL should be interesting when she hosts with nothing to promote. Maybe Betty White will stand in that week?
• Hey Thundercats fans! Check this out: get your “Non-Racist Black Skinghead Panthro” bootleg toy! Only 24 made (from resin) – at scumlife.com!
• Alice Cooper & Rob Zombie are touring together starting in April.
• Lexi Belle (full disclosure; she’s a porn star, so know that before you google her) tweeted pics of herself in her Harley Quinn costume (and of less interest, the Joker) on the set of the Batman porn that’s being shot now. I’m amazed that they can get away with this and would think the newly integrated DC would be filing suit yesterday, unless this all part of Geoff Johns’ masterplan.
• The new JLU single carded figures are showing up at Targets. Look for Barda, Deadshot, Firestorm, Green Arrow, Aquaman, and Star Sapphire, among a gazillion Batman repaints that are overpacked in the cases.
• In other JLU news, the “Crisis On Two Earths” direct to DVD animated film arrives tomorrow. Best Buy has an exclusive Owl Man pack in figure and Target has a bonus disc, I believe. I might buy it for the Spectre mini story extra, set in the 70’s and written by the overrated Steve Niles.
• Also out tomorrow on DVD; The Box, The Informant!, and Dead Snow, a pretty solid foreign Nazi Zombie film that was released via VOD a few months back. And niche home video companies are pushing out their better titles on BluRay, including Ichi the Killer, Poultrygeist and Romero’s The Crazies (in advance of the upcoming remake). Major studios, meanwhile are issuing some films with lesser appeal as 2on1 Blu-rays. Included are Grumpy Old Men / Grumpier Old Men, Analyze This & That, and Miss Congeniality 1 & 2.
• Music Acts are looking for new ways to fund their activities. Public Enemy has started seeking $250K to make their new album via Sellaband, although Investors have now backed down and the amount is dropping after only just passing $70K. The 80’s college-rock act Camper Van Beethoven is asking fans to help come up with $7K so they can play South By Southwest in Austin this year, a music business trade show that also features live performances. Contributors get to pick a song in their set. Why either of these acts can’t find less expensive alternatives is mystifying. PE could make their album on a Mac for next to nothing (and who’s to say they won’t even if they get $250K?) and CVB ought to suck it up and get in the Van, which, even with Hotels would cost a lot less than $7K. If you can’t stand the heat gents, get out of the music industry.
• Last week was the 7th Anniversary of the Station nightclub fire that killed 100 people at a Great White show when the band’s pyro set the place on fire. And STILL Great White won’t stop playing. At least if they’re going to keep at it, they ought to burn down the clubs that will book them – hopefully they’ll take a couple more GW “fans” with them. After all, anyone can pump gas and people are out of work dammit - step aside Great White fans!
• Shutter Island was #1 at box office this weekend, bringing in $40 million. Old people were largely the audience. Film is solid, but not great.
• Those fucktards at Mattycollector.com are issuing apologies and stupid answers to question all over the internet, except in their case, they are just digging a deeper hole. More on this later with our new bullshit interpreter, The Racist Robot!
• Speaking of Racist Robot, he’ll be interpreting the DC Comics Press Release about their new appointments, too. So much to look forward to!
• Pete Townshend says his tinnitus is getting worse and if last-ditch surgery doesn’t work, the Who will hang it up after a show this summer. Sounds like a publicity stunt to me.
• Great fight online today between Kevin O’Neill and the movie producer Don Murphy over the LOEG Dossier book. O'Neil claims Murphy surpressed the book and pushed DC to modify the content. Hard to say who’s right, but Murphy comes off as a massive tool in his response.
• The Dream Syndicate’s Medicine Show album is finally being reissued. This is one of the few great 80’s alternative titles that hasn’t been re-released on CD yet.
• Jim Lee is doing a variant cover to the new Vertigo Stephen King book, called American Vampire. Expect to see more Lee covers in the aftermath of his appointment at DC. Cannot imagine he will do interiors anytime soon.
• Gareb Shamus' Wizard organization is now planning a Con in Nashville. Will be interesting to see if any of these shows have more to offer than the typical local con.
• EMI are backing off their plan to sell Abbey Road after an outcry. And also, the Brit Govt might pay more to preserve it as a historical site than any private enterprise would pay to keep it operating as a studio. Can you say loan default?
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