On the eve of Comic-con Sideshow released a bunch of announcements and sneak peeks. No doubt we'll see more at the show.

Three count 'em three more Iron Man sculpted pieces in various scales and at various retails. I don't know how many Iron Man pieces SS has come up with to date but besides the X-Men's White Queen, it's clear SS thinks these two are the most popular characters in the Marvel Universe. Oh there's also a new Venom statue despite the fact Venom hasn't been cool since the third Spider-Man film ruined him.

Also new in the SS Marvel lineup is the Scarlet Witch's chest. May or may not be a new Adam Hughes designed Comiquette.

Then we have a new or should I say old Indiana Jones from the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 1/6th scale figure. Likely coming sometime in 2010...only nearly two years after the fourth Indy film was in theaters. Nice timing SS! Finger on the pulse baby!
We also see more overpriced figure environments listed. Anyone buying these at full price is a class 'A' sucker. Then to round it off, we still have yet more overpriced Lord of the Rings statues and the schlepping for Hot Toys superior products.
Oh Sideshow...you're going to have to work much harder than this during Comic-con to impress anybody. Get your shit together. Look around the con at your competition...everyone else is improving while you hammer out the same old crap or overpriced lameness.
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