Monday, June 15, 2009 "On Hiatus"

After not posting anything for over ten days, the long-running site has finally updated with news of new-ownership, a temporary shut down and a relaunch planned for fall, with a new team in place.

Site owner Adrian said:  "For the past few months I've been unable to give the site the time I really need. A close family member in and out of hospital including my own ongoing (but thankfully improving) health issues means that the site has suffered. A lot of the code that runs the site is very old, broken in places, creaky in others, and it's now long past a revamp. However, I'm having issues finding time to post news, let alone organise and conduct a massive site revamp.

I also have a number of other projects I want to explore. It's not that I'm fed up with the action-figure market. I still get excited when I see a cool new figure. But I've been running this site now for over 11 years, each day and every day, and you know... I need a break from it."

He goes on to say that he's found a new team to take over the site and that he will no longer be involved in the day-to-day.

"In order to overhaul the site, there's a massive amount of work to be done. For this reason, the site isTEMPORARILY closing down at the end of the month. There's over 20,000 articles and 100,000 images to migrate so it's a huge task no matter what size the team. But the summer will be spent putting things in place with a view to a RELAUNCH IN THE FALL. I'm excited about this, and the direction they're taking and whilst I won't be playing an active part in the new site, you may see me pop up from time to time."

Truth be told, the site had turned into little more than a place for press releases to be posted, and a re-launch should be an improvement.

So when  you're struggling to get through life without "King Randor's Sandusky Ohio Area Reports", stop by Bitter Geeks more often instead.  Good luck to Adrian and thanks for many years of nerd news.

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